And here's the best part... the part I want you to experience as well...
Imagine you spend the next 7 days setting up your Funnel Agency, and then start closing clients within your first month...
You'd get to build funnels for a living (without having to manage people ads all day)
You'd get to be creative (and actually turn a vision into a high converting design + copy)
You'd get to do this from home (without tons of meetings, I have like 1 per week now)
You'd sell these without sales calls (DM Slosing + Portfolio Closing)
You'd set 7 to 10 days turnaround on your services and build a lifestyle too so you can eliminate the 'daily stress' of client expectations...
You'd be able to decline clients you don't wanna work with because 1 funnel per week at 2.5k is already a 6 fig funnel business.
You'd be able to create recurring revenue through what I call 'package upsells' where you first build 1 funnel and then sell 2-3 more to the same person (building their value ladder funnels)
These are just a few of the benefits, but that's not all...
There's so much pleasure in building something great... and working with entreprenenurs who are great.
If this sounds like you, and this is something you're interested in,
You'll love FullTimeFunnelDesigner™.
We're doing a Special Deal this week only so make sure you get in while spots still last...
Read below to see what's inside!